Even in the deepest dark,
we see the light inside.
YES, we’ve changed our name and revitalized our website, but who we are remains the same: a dedicated staff, a vibrant board of directors, a strong corps of volunteers, and a collection of beautiful Craftsman houses where runaway, homeless and foster youth are sheltered, nourished, and provided with ongoing support. With our help, they overcome mental health challenges, realize their academic potentials, enjoy experiences in the workforce, develop critical life skills, are exposed to cultural and recreational opportunities, and just get to be kids. With our support, Youth are Emerging Stronger.
I wasn’t involved with the organization when the original name – Los Angeles Youth Network – was chosen, but I’ve witnessed a remarkable evolution here since joining the staff in late 2011. We’ve grown our footprint on Taft Avenue while expanding our services to a larger age range; we’ve opened new facilities where dedicated program space deepens our impact; and we’ve negotiated the challenges of aligning with the state’s new approach to serving foster youth – a process that included our securing international accreditation. And all the while, our focus remained on the kids we serve. On making sure that all their needs are met, and that those needs are met in the most nurturing environments we can provide. We strive constantly to perfect our programming, learning as we go from the youth themselves and from our fellow advocates.
We have emerged stronger because our first several decades were built on best practices delivered by compassionate professionals. And we will continue to develop from that strong foundation. As we do, we will remain committed to our newly articulated mission: to provide runaway, homeless and foster youth with safety, stability and housing, along with the relationships and resources to thrive now and in the future.
I invite you to spend some time on this website. Learn about our programming and the critical needs that we address. Experience our growth; read about our impact; and let our youth’s success stories inspire you. If you already are part of our family of supporters, I hope you will feel a sense of pride in what you have helped to accomplish. If you are new to our work, I hope you will consider becoming part of our life-changing journey.
The youth we serve have suffered traumas through no fault of their own. It will take all of us – working together and with a common mission – to ensure their self-sufficient futures. You can be part of our formula for success.
Mark Supper
YES, Youth Emerging Stronger
Board of Directors
Teo Martinez — Chairman
Growing Generations/ CEO
Hope Biller — Vice-Chair
Filmmaker/ Producer
Diana Buckhantz — Secretary
Vladamir and Araxia Buckhantz Foundation/ Executive Director
David Cottrell — Treasurer
Cottrell Consults, LLC/ Executive CFO & C Suite Strategies
Russell Allyn Buchalter Nemer/ Senior Counsel
Ram Cogan Wasser, Cooperman & Carter PC/ Partner
Melanie Cotton
Marriage and Family Therapist
Leslie Kaplan, M.D.
The Bella Vista/ Staff Physician
Aaron Liskin Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump Holley LLP/ Partner
Suzanne Robinson
Moving Families Forward / Founder/Director
Executive Staff
Mark Supper
Angela Leonard
Vice President/CFO
Kenneth Cook, MFT
Director of Programs
Ann McConville, MSW
Senior Director of
Compliance & Impact
Sonia Bradley, LMFT
Director of Clinical Services